Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered released the map packs today, so here are the top ten maps in the game. Sorry in advance for Bog not being on the list… but no apologies for leaving Shipment off.
10. Showdown
The small desert arena can be frustrating at times, but it’s a cool map with the statue in the middle. Just watch those corners.
9. Vacant
Good luck trying to snipe here. While a big map, Vacant is good for sub-machine guns like the MP5 or P90 because of the close hallways in the abandoned office building.
8. Backlot
This map is definitely a classic, but it’s seemed to grow stale over the years because everyone knows where everyone will be.
7. Wet Work
If you’re a sniper, then Wet Work is for you. Snipers who are quick and accurate can take control of the map and probably go the whole match without dying.
6. Strike
This map has a couple spots where you can hold up in and takeover the game. If you and some friends can control the central building, it should be an easy victory.
5. Pipeline
There’s a lot going on in Pipeline; tall grass, high rooftops, trains, and of course the underground tunnel. People can do whatever they want here and be successful.
4. Crossfire
Great for all game modes, Crossfire has six different building to snipe from. You probably won’t survive too long running through the center of the map with plenty of eyes on you.
3. Overgrown
The top three maps was very close, but we’ll give Overgrown the third spot. This map is good for snipers and others alike, and is perhaps the best map for search and destroy—just don’t get sniped at the start.
2. Bloc
It’s tough to not put Bloc in the #1 spot. The snow falling makes for an awesome environment in the Russian map.
1. Crash
And at #1, Crash. This map is perhaps the most memorable in the game with a downed helicopter right in the middle and great sniping spots. Plus, it’s good for all game modes.