This might be the most difficult Top Ten Tuesday of all-time because there are so many options and everyone will have their own opinions, but with news of Seinfeld coming to Netflix in 2021, this is my best shot at ranking the top episodes of the classic sitcom. A description wouldn’t do the show justice, so I have a clip from each episode.
10. “The Pitch” (S4E3)
9. “The Merv Griffin Show” (S9E6)
8. “The Outing” (S4E17)
7. “The Boyfriend” (S3E17)
6. “The Opposite” (S5E21)
5. “The Soup Nazi” (S7E6)
4. “The Limo” (S3E19)
3. “The Chinese Restaurant” (S2E11)
2. “The Contest” (S4E11)
1. “The Marine Biologist” (S5E14)
I was never that into Seinfeld.