ESPN—the supposed “Worldwide Leader in Sports”—has the biggest fantasy platform in the industry. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to tell with a look at their fantasy football homepage.
The last update to ESPN’s redraft rankings for the 2021 season was on May 11… a whopping 23 days ago. And the funniest part is a false byline they have on the rankings page, stating: “Our analysts keep their rankings up-to-date throughout the offseason.”
You sure about that?
Wolf Sports, on the other hand, actually does update rankings regularly. Just this week, we released our comprehensive 2021 draft guide (it can be purchased on Amazon, or is available in PDF form to all Fantasy Consigliere subscribers) and eight printable cheat sheets for six different scoring formats—which are kept up-to-date through the summer.
We also have unmatched dynasty rankings (subscribers can surely attest to our “hits” in past years), while ESPN is often last to join a bandwagon.
Worldwide Leader in Sports?
Not so much. They’re currently 23 days behind.
ESPN is awful
I’ll trust just about anyone but them.
You should bully them more.
ESPN is too entrenched to bully them. Though this article is right.
Still not updated