Microsoft has shared more information on the Xbox Series X, diving deep into their upcoming next generation video game console. The Xbox team promises: “When it is released this holiday season, Xbox Series X will set a new bar for performance, speed and compatibility, all while allowing you to bring your gaming legacy forward with you and play thousands of games from four generations.” You can get an in-depth breakdown from Xbox, but they say the next Xbox will be defined by three primary characteristics:
Power. Speed. Compatibility.
The Xbox Series X has 12 teraflops of processing power, with the ability to play games across four generations dating all the way back to the original Xbox.
Xbox Series X is built for speed and performance with 12 TFLOPS of processing power and compatibility for 4 generations of games. #PowerYourDreams
— Xbox (@Xbox) March 16, 2020
The console also has “Xbox Velocity Architecture”, which includes extremely fast loading times and Quick Resume. Xbox released demos showcasing both the impressive loading and Quick Resume features.
The Xbox Series X has Parallel Cooling Architecture to keep the console cool, with a whisper quiet fan to keep it quiet.
🤫 Keep it cool, keep it quiet. The Xbox Series X whisper quiet fan ensures your gaming doesn’t get disturbed.
Read all the latest Xbox Series X details: #PowerYourDreams
— Xbox (@Xbox) March 16, 2020
Additionally, Microsoft revealed the console dimensions for the Xbox Series X (151mm x 151mm x 301mm), while even poking fun at themselves by using the refrigeration meme for the console’s look:
Fridge for scale. #PowerYourDreams
— Xbox (@Xbox) March 16, 2020
Designed for performance with true 4K gaming and 8K potential, the Xbox Series X looks like it’ll be a major hit later this year.
The Xbox Series X will be released Holiday 2020.
ok thats insane